Swap Both Teams - Swap all infected and survivors to the other team Does not account for order changing because of score. Unscramble Teams - Attempts to move players to the teams they were on at the end of the last round. When selected, the two players will be swapped. Swap Players - brings up a menu to let you select a player, then another menu that show all the players not on the same team as the first player. Switch Player - bring up a menu with all the in game players to let you select one, then choose what team to move them to.
The spectator control concept and code basis comes from SpecStaysSpec by DieTeetasse. The players panel concept and code basis comes from l4d_teamspanel by OtterNas3. The ideas and code basis for the team/player swapping capabilities comes from the TeamSWITCH plugin by SkyDavid (djromero). It offers an Admin menu and a players menu to help with team switching and spectator control during a game.īig thanks to the other authors on here, for providing the ideas as well as the plugins to spark this project This started as a compilation of the ideas and code from three other plugins, but has grown considerably since then. Switch a players teams, Swap two players, view current teams and teams as of last round, swap directly with a player on the other team, change to any team at any time, as an admin or a player, pause/unpause the game, unscramble and swap whole teams, and more.